Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. In Malawi, 85% of the population living in rural areas. Its registered that more than half of its population are living below the poverty line with 25 percent living in extreme poverty.
The people of Malawi find themselves in an terrible position with still overcoming the worst floods in living memory in 2015 and another poor harvest leading to food shortage for millions of people. The floods have left almost a quarter of a million people homeless and destroyed well over 64,000 hectares of cropland
The average Malawian can expect to live just 40 years due to HIV/AIDS, malaria, and malnutrition. 15 million Malawians live in a country a little smaller than England. With thousands of households also needing help to combat a devastating invasion by Fall Armyworm. This is destroying maize and other cereal crops across the region, and is causing a grave food crisis in the country.
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Show SYF your support, and help us to help rural families in one of the most vulnerable regions to combat this crisis, and create a future that is free from hunger.